Love your work, Reina! Nice integration of concept and execution... bravo!
Reina Cottier
thankyou Tanielle, so appreciate that! :-)
Tanielle Childers
This is beautiful and magical. Love this piece! Fav of mine
Reina Cottier
thank you so much David! :)
David Lade
Nice shapes and colours Reina
Reina Cottier
thankyou Sorin :)
Sorin Apostolescu
Looks great ! Excellent composition and colors...
Reina Cottier
thanks so much everyone! Really appreciate all your lovely comments :-) I loved painting this, it was a fast moving process that just flowed.
Sven Fischer
Just wonderful!
Vrindavan Das
Wonderful expression! good fantasy! Bravo!
DB Artist
Reina, I love the energy and the colors. Great work and congrats on your sale.
Jane Bucci
I just gotta love this! Great color, movement and texture! Bravo!
Reina Cottier
:-) hi Leana, thanks soooooooo much!!! *smiles* truly its so uplifting that my art gives others pleasure.... thx for your comments and feedback. Reina.x